How To Make The Friends You've Always Wanted

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How To Make The Friends You've Always Wanted

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If you struggle with making new friends, this short ebook will give you newfound confidence.  You'll understand the different phases of friendship and how to set proper expectations for each. And it's loaded with practical tips to improve your social skills.

This e-book really hit home for me as I was specifically searching for some practical ways to make new friends. It wasn't until I read this ebook that I realized I was not alone. I was so encouraged by the guidance given, that it's not so hard to just introduce myself anymore.  I encourage others to read this ebook if you want some authentic, practical and useful advice on how to deal with transition and make new friends.
                - Amber A

"There are people in this world who are popular, naturally friendly, well-adjusted, and seem to make friends easily. This E-book is not for them.  It’s for the rest of us who, like me, have had to learn to socialize the hard way through trial and error."   - excerpt from the Introduction
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